Wide Awake Missions
Questions? 1.970.889.1102
WAM Tanzania
WAM Peru
WAM Promo Video
You can donate online through our secure website via credit card or debit card.
Please mail personal checks, cashiers checks or money orders to:
Wide Awake Missions
P.O. Box 270633
Fort Collins, CO 80527-0633
*Checks must be made out to Wide Awake Missions.
Donate to a Wide Awake Missions
Mission Trip Participant
*Please mail a check or money order made out to Wide Awake Missions. On a separate card or post it, please note the name of the person you would like to support.
Or donate securely online with your credit or debit card.
*Important Instruction for Donations*
Wide Awake Missions is a tax exempt nonprofit organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN# 47-1444087.
Make checks out to: Wide Awake Missions.
Send To: P.O. Box 270633, Ft. Collins, CO 80527
*Use a post-it note (not the memo line on the check)
who or what the donation is for.
Thank you for partnering with us!
You are investing in individuals and a ministry that have a heart to reach outside our borders and powerfully impact less fortunate lives with the Gospel through a short-term mission opportunity. Wide Awake Missions, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donations are tax deductible based on the policies detailed at www.wideawakemissions/policies.
More questions? Call us at 970-889-1102 or email: go@wideawakemissions.org