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Missions Application

Important details after the application!

1. Fill out your Application or Registration and submit. 


2. E-mail a "headshot" photo, or your favorite "you" shot to: 

(Your picture will be part of a "Country Team Page")


3. A $100 trip deposit will be due to secure your spot on the team after acceptance. Your deposit is included in the price of your mission trip and is non-refundable

4. Once individuals are accepted, they will receive a complete WAM Acceptance Package with specific information and forms needed that are pertinent to their specific trip.

 2025 Summer Mission Trips 


$ 2,655 * Antigua, Guatemala (Winter Break)

December 27 - January 06, 2024/25

Miami, Florida Departure City

$3,290 * Cusco, Peru

May 17 - 28, 2025

Miami, Florida Departure City

$4,890 * Tokyo, Japan

June 1 - June 15, 2025

New York City Departure City

$3,790 * Santiago, Chili

June 18 - July 2, 2025

Miami Departure City

$4,575 * Arusha, Tanzania

June 13 - June 28, 2025

New York City Departure City

$ 3,975 * Chiang Mai, Thailand

July 18 - August 3, 2025

Los Angeles (LAX) Departure City

$ 4,590 * Fiji

July 18 - July 31, 2025

Los Angeles (LAX) Departure City

Online Deposit, Donation, & Trip Payment Info.




Trip costs are based on Summer 2024 prices. Due to continued changes in the airline industry, it may be necessary to add an additional airline surcharge. Wide Awake Missions will avoid this if at all possible. Dates, travel arrangements, and schedules are also subject to change. All contributions are non-refundable due to IRS regulations.

In the event of political unrest or natural disaster, Wide Awake Missions will decide if and where to send a team. In the event that a trip is canceled, for any reason, team members will be assigned by Wide Awake Missions to another country of similar expense and experience. Wide Awake Missions serves Christ in grace and humility and seeks to be culturally sensitive to the ministry of the Gospel in each country.

Team members, Leaders, and Staff serve at their own risk. Wide Awake Missions is not liable in the event of sickness, accident, death, terrorist acts, transportation issues, or any other expense beyond that of normal involvement. 


All donations received by Wide Awake Missions go toward project expenses. To receive a tax deduction, the IRS stipulates that the donor must release control of the money donated to the non-profit organization. For this reason, money cannot be refunded and cannot be designated to a specific person. The individual will be a "fundraiser" and will get credit for raising the funds equal to the price of the trip. If an individual is unable to participate in the Wide Awake experience, the funds he/she has raised, less incurred expenses will remain credited to the individual for up to 3 years.


For Policies and Principles for Tax Deductible Donations to Wide Awake Missions, Inc. Click Here


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